Javea Moors & Christians Fiesta (July 2023)


See full details of the Javea Moors & Christians fiesta 2023 which takes place every July in Javea.

Date Updated

9th March 2025

Javea Moors & Christians Fiesta (July 2023)

See full details of the Javea Moors & Christians fiesta which takes place every July in Javea.


21:00  Parade through the streets of the port to collect the representatives of each filà who will be participating in the opening ceremony.
21:30 Complimentary wine in Calle Dr.Fleming.
22.00 Presentation of the "Moros i Cristians 2019" in Paseo Jaume I, followed by disco with DJ Christian Blond until 03:30.

Fiestas in Javea: Moors & Christians (July 2019)

09:30 Children's activities in Calle Manuel Bordes Valles until 1.30pm.
20:30 MUSIC CONCERT in Calle Sevilla with the Agrupación Musico-Municipal Santa Maria Magdalena from El Poble Nou de Benitaxell

Fiestas in Javea: Moors & Christians (July 2019)

15 July
21:00   Arenal Beach visit. Teh "filaes" will parate along Paseo Tenista David Ferrer from Los Remos to La Fontana. where refreshments will be offered.

Fiestas in Javea: Moors & Christians (July 2019)

16 July
20:00   Historical Centre visit. Parade through the streets of the Old town from the Correos, through Placeta del Convent, Virgen de la Merced, El Foguerer and ending at c/ San Jaime. The flower offering will take place at the final location.

Fiestas in Javea: Moors & Christians (July 2019)

17 July

20:15   Offering of flowers to Sant Jaume. Parade through the Port begins at the Pio X Arcade and crosses the streets of Cristo del Mar, Sertorio, Andrés Lambert, Jaime I Avenue, President Adolfo Suárez and Caleta. Ends at the Parish Church of Loreto. During this, the food donation will be made.

22:30: Paella Contest between Filaes on Jaume I Avenue. The ingredients will be courtesy of Supermercado Suma. The event will be enlivened by brass bands and there will be a prize for the three best paellas.

01:00: Informal party of the two Moorish and Christian sides touring Duanes de la Mar and enlivened by brass bands. Next, they will tour the different Barracks and Kábilas together with the members of the Filaes and the general public.

Fiestas in Javea: Moors & Christians (July 2019)

18 July

12:00: Charanga by the Filà Almoriscos and Filà Contrabandistes touring the streets of Duanes de la Mar.

21:00 GATHERING on the Beach of La Grava of the Christian side waiting for the landing of the Moro side

21:30   Landing of The Moors at Playa de la Grava. Re-creation of the battle on Javea's shoreline with firing of arms.

22:00   Surrender of the castle (Paseo Jaime I).

00:00   NIGHT OF BRASS BANDS / Tours of kábilas and barracks by the "festeros" and the general public.

Fiestas in Javea: Moors & Christians (July 2019)

19 July

12: 00: Charanga by the Filà Almoradins touring the streets of Duanes de la Mar.

17: 00: XXIV Pepe Prats Pilota Valenciana Trophy among the various Filaes that will be held on Virgen de Loreto street.

21:00   Re-creation of the battle - armed combat between the Moors and Christians (Playa de la Grava).
21:30   Re-Conquering of the castle by the Christians (Paseo Jaime I).
00:30   Mobile disco (Calle Manuel Bordes Valls).

Fiestas in Javea: Moors & Christians (July 2019)

20 July
10:00   “Aquajocs” (Water Games) for children (Palau Municipal d’Esports) in Calle Manuel Bordes Valls.
10:30   Provision of ice cream and chocolate by Moors and Christians standard bearers (outdoor area of ​​the Palau).
12:00   Celebration of Solemn Mass in honour of Sant Jaume and in memory of deceased "festeros".
19:00   Parade of the bands.

19:30   Gala Parade with the participation of all the Filaes led by their respective Mora i Cristiana Standard Bearers. The Bando Moro will open the Boato de la Filà Schaitans on the occasion of its 25th Anniversary and the Filà Capitana BAHARIS will close the parade.

23: 30 Macro discomobile SARAO PARTY MORA I CRISTIANA with DJs La Gavi, Pablo Alemany, Criss Moreno and the MANOS DE FUEGO entertainment on Paseo Pintor Joaquín Sorolla until 04:00 h.

Fiestas in Javea: Moors & Christians (July 2019)

21 July

  • 09:30: Diana Contrabandista to celebrate her 25th anniversary. Route: Pío X Street, Adolfo Suarez Plaza, Jaume I Avenue and Sevilla Street. At the end, festive lunches enlivened by brass bands.
  • 11:15: GATHERING in the Kábila of the Filà Capitana BAHARIS to carry out a parade through the streets of Duanes accompanying the festive charges to the parish church.
  • 12:00: Celebration of the solemn mass in honor of Saint James and in memory of our deceased.
  • 13:00: Charanga by the Filà Trabuquers and the Filà Contrabandistes through the streets of Duanes de la Mar.
  • 18:00: Entry of Music Bands. Next, on Paseo Jaime I, a Trobada of Music Bands, all of them performing the Pasodoble XÀBIA and directed by Gonzalo de la Guía, director of the Artistic Center of Xàbia.
  • 19:00: Gala parade of the Moorish and Christian sides closing the pageantry of the Filà Capitana BAHARIS. At the end, a night mascletà will be fired from Playa de la Grava.

Fiestas in Javea: Moors & Christians (July 2019)