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The Harvest Store in Javea Port Market is an initiative of Mosaic Ministries. It was established to provide free at point of need, food, baby products, baby & children’s clothing to those who find themselves in disadvantaged circumstances.
The Harvest Store | Mosaic Ministries | Javea Online 24
The Harvest Store in Javea Port Market is an initiative of "Mosaic Ministries". It exists to provide free at point of need, food, baby products, baby & children’s clothing to those who find themselves in disadvantaged circumstances. The Harvest Store located in the Port Market is open for referrals from churches, caring organisations and private individuals.
If you think about making a donation to the Store, they are in great need of long life milk, sugar and cooking oil and, very important, children’s clothing.
The Harvest Store is always looking for Baby Clothes and Clothes for Children in good quality up to 10- 12 years old.
Please complete this form to request more information.