Zen Smile Spa offers a wide range of dental treatments and medical aesthetics. For a full list of all the treatments available, see their website Below are just a few examples of treatments on offer.
Smile Consultation
The initial consultation appointment is the patient´s chance to discover the practice, to be introduced to the team and to be informed about the treatments available at Zen. The first appointment usually lasts about 40-50 minutes during which time, we undertake a full examination of your mouth and take any necessary photographs and x-rays to enable us to provide the best treatment options for you. More importantly, it is an opportunity to establish a patient – dentist relationship during which you are able to discuss your likes, dislikes, fears and any changes you may want to make to your smile.
There are usually a number of treatment options available and we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each of these as well as the cost involved with each treatment. To give you a clear visual idea of any treatment options, we will show you videos, photographs and models of cases relevant to your options and we will be only too happy to answer any questions or doubts you may have
Dental Implants A dental implant is a titanium screw fitted into the gum, which can later be used to support a crown or a bridge or denture within the dental arch. For people who have lost all their teeth, implants can be a life changing experience.
They are ideal in cases where the teeth on either side of a space do not have the necessary support to hold a bridge or if conversely the patient does not wish to sacrifice unfilled teeth either side of a space in order to fit a bridge. Implants can also be used as a substructure to hold bars and a firmly supported top or bottom denture.
Although nowadays, the placement of implants has become more popular, it remains a complex speciality which should only be performed by the best surgeons. Dr. Carolyn Carbasse has been reconstructing implants for the last seven years and is qualified with a masters in implantology. Dr. Daniel Bellvert is the clinic Oral Surgeon.
Teeth Whitening
Teeth whitening has become one of the “must have” cosmetic surgery treatments of the past decade. It is easy, quick, painfree, easily accessable and affordable. As we get older our teeth darken due to the thickenning of the yellow dentine beneath our white enamel. Applying a whitening product such as carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide effectively bleaches the teeth without damaging them. The tell-tale signs of ageing can disappear within an hour or within a week depending on the treatment used.
Botox Every time we frown, squint or smile the skin is creased in the areas of greatest use. The more expressive you are the deeper the lines become. These expression lines include crow´s feet, worry lines and frown lines. As we age, collagen production slows down and the problem accelerates as we are less able to repair the damage.
How does it work?
Botox temporarily blocks the nerve endings to the facial muscles ,relaxing them.By reducing muscle movement ,the skin stops creasing and is allowed to recover,causing the lines to soften and fade away thus taking years off the person’s face.
At ZEN-SMILE-SPA, Botox is used to relax the jaw muscles of bruxists(patients who grind their teeth) to ease wear of teeth,headaches and head/neck pain. People have discovered that with a maintenance regime of fillers, botox, vitamins, they are putting off surgery to much later in life or simply preventing the necessity for surgery at all and in other cases maintaining the results of a minor face lift.
Non Surgical Facelift
The latest use of fillers is for mini non-surgical face lifts.Instead of using the filler to fill loss of volume,a different longer lasting filler is placed as a “vector” beneath the skin (completely invisible to the naked eye) which then naturally pulls sagging skin upwards giving that much desired “lift”and thus creating a younger appearance in just half an hour. There are none of the risks of a surgical face lift and more importantly no down time and the patient can go back to their daily activities the exact same day.
Radiesse is the filler used for this treatment at ZEN-SMILE-SPA.The beauty of this product is that it stimulates collagen production and the appearance of the skin carries on improving for 3 months after the initial treatment and its effects last for up to 2 years.
Varicose Vein Treatment
A thorough examination of the veins is first carried out. This is followed by the injection of a solution into the affected veins in order to dissolve it. Some veins require only onesession, other thicker or more stubborn veins may require several sessions to achieve maximum aesthetics.
The patients can expect to ressume his or her daily activities immediately after the sesión.
Detox Massage
This relaxing treatment and gentle massage uses aromatic oils to stimulate blood circulation and drain the lymphatic system of its toxins. It will leave you feeling light and rejuvenated, looking beautiful and sculpted.
Ideal for treating heavy legs, bad circulation, cellulite and to boost weight loss.